A Simple Blood Test
MammoCheck and IgoCheck test for cancer biomarkers in blood serum using the widespread ELISA assay format. A single standard vial of blood is all that is needed. Samples should be drawn before treatment start and after each treatment cycle (including 3-7 days for the drugs to clear from the system).

Monitoring Therapy Efficacy in Real-time
Since every patient and cancer is different, choosing the right treatment is critical. MammoCheck and IgoCheck are quick non-invasive assays to determine if a drug/therapy is working to decrease the disease or if the cancer has adapted and a new approach is needed.
Active Surveillance for Cancer Recurrence
Cancer survivors remain at risk for relapse and are often tested for CEA and CA-15.3, despite their known low sensitivity in detecting recurrence except in late-stage patients. IGoCheck and Mammocheck provide a better option for doctors and patients seeking a noninvasive way to monitor for recurrence in between imaging tests.

Tracking Treatment Efficacy
Every patient and cancer will respond differently to treatment. The challenge is to choose the treatment that will work best for each situation. MammoCheck and IgoCheck can be used as a fast, non-invasive way to track the efficacy of each intervention.
The chart below shows a patient with Stage III Breast Cancer being monitored by both CA 15.3 and MammoCheck during Neoadjuvant therapy (NAT) up until Primary Surgery (S).
Time Point 1
At start of neoadjuvant treatment, the MammoCheck biomarker tracks the disease and is highly elevated while CA 15.3 is low.
Time Point 2
The MammoCheck Biomarker has a large decrease, indicating that the neoadjuvant therapy is effective.
In retrospect, this was probably the best time to schedule surgery.
CA 15.3 does not show this trend.

Time Point 3
Both MammoCheck and CA 15.3 markers increase, with the increase in MammoCheck being much steeper. This indicates that the NAJ treatment is no longer effective and should either be changed or ended (go to surgery).
Time Point 4
MammoCheck marker continues to increase. Unfortunately, this shows that the delay in surgery has allowed the cancer to adapt and regrow, likely decreasing the chances of a positive patient outcome.
Active Surveillance for Cancer Survivors
After Primary Treatment, cancer survivors remain vulnerable to the return of the disease (recurrence). While patients are recommended to undergo imaging tests with increased frequency, this is usually only once a year. MammoCheck and IgoCheck provide a non-invasive and convenient way to monitor for cancer recurrence in between imaging tests.
The chart below shows a patient tested by both IgoCheck and CEA over six years, from before surgery to cancer recurrence to post-recurrence treatment.
Time Point 1
After Surgery (S), IgoCheck marker decreases to reflect the success of the surgery in removing cancer tumors.
CEA does not reflect this change.
Time Point 2
After the initial post-surgery decrease, the IgoCheck marker trends upwards in the points leading up to Recurrence (R), reflecting the return of the cancer.
CEA marker levels remain low and do not reflect the return of the disease.
Timely intervention during this long period of about three years could have led to a more positive outcome.

Time Point 3
IgoCheck marker decreases following Surgery (S) and Treatment (T) for the Metastasis.
CEA remains very low and provides no information about the success of treatment.
The IGoCheck assay provides more clinically-relevant information about the status of the disease than CEA does. This should help doctors and patients make more timely and more informed decisions about the treatment and follow-up plan.

CLIA Laboratory Test
Samples are received and processed at Milagen's CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) laboratory facility (CLIA ID# 05D2269442), ensuring complete oversight of every aspect of quality, testing, and patient privacy.
Milagen laboratory is licensed by the California State Department of Health and is fully compliant with HIPAA regulations.