Our Mission
Milagen spent over 25 years in research and development to find the best screening diagnostic option for the earlier detection of cancer and especially its recurrence.
We developed and validated blood-based tests on thousands of patients for the earlier detection of the five major cancers that account for almost 50% of all cancer incidence (breast, colorectal, lung, prostate, and ovarian cancer).
Our tests detect blood-secreted markers at the early development of cancer as well as its early recurrence.
Our tests help patients and physicians to take preventive therapeutic measures and obtain better clinical outcomes.

Our Approach
The Proteome
Each brain cell, liver cell, heart cell and any other cell in the human body has the same complete set of genes, but the genes are regulated differently. This means that different cell types express a distinct set of proteins, which organizes them into specialized cells with different functions in different organs.
Biomarker Discovery
Milagen uses its proprietary proteome (protein) technology to discover the key common denominator protein cancer markers expressed by cancer tissues and found in the blood. These protein biomarkers are validated in thousands of patients for their sensitivity, specificity and clinical utility in detecting cancer at a very early stage, when treatment has the highest chance of success.
Protein and Disease
At Milagen, we believe the best place to detect a disease-specific signature is within the abundance of proteins that are found in the blood and govern our entire life from conception to old age.
Products for Cancer Surveillance & Therapy Response
After initial cancer treatment, the disease may return and regrow UNCHECKED within the patient. This can lead to metastasis, where the tumor takes hold in different areas of the body and can have damaging effects on the function of vital organs, ultimately leading to patient death.
Our blood-serum based tests are designed to provide a simple noninvasive way for doctors and patients to monitor for cancer relapse and therapy effectiveness.
MammoCheck and IgoCheck are available under CLIA Lab Test guidelines.